Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Martial Arts -- does anyone still care?

A friend of mine told me studying martial arts now adays is only good for health reasons, and does not apply anymore for self-defense. In modern times especially in urban areas, fist fighting is very, very, rare. Since most have their firearms, you can't get much use of your martial arts training. Actually martial arts is not just about punching or kicking someones ass. Martial arts is way to build a total person - physically and mentally. How?! Well, there are lots of comprehensive and scientific discussion out there about it. And I leave that to the experts :-) However in my experience, martial arts can build your confidence, physique, agility, and most of all how to stay compose on a stress situation. Now I guess no need to elaborate, how martial arts training can benefit you in a gun fight. Not to mention, it might help you in disarming or counter-disarming. Stay Safe :-)

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