Wednesday, May 21, 2008

the pagan christ

No christian is worth his faith unless he believesinJesus: that he is the Christ the son of God, that hewas born on Dec. 25, was betrayed and crucified, buriedfor 3days and resurrected. But do you know the Christ whom they adore now isnotthe true Jesus Christ, the great messenger of God, buta pagan Christ absorbed by the Church from ancient myth? When the Christ myth was new, Mithra the Persianson of god was already worshiped around theMediterranean area for hundred of years. Mithra was born on Dec. 25 of a virgin mother,accompanied by a star in the East, was adorned bythree kings. He was a teacher at 12, baptized at 30,had 12 disciples and performed many miracles. He wasbetrayed and crucified, buried for three days thenresurrected. Many other Christs and saviors subscribed to these attrubutes. Why impose these to Jesus?: to make the conversion of the pagans easy. And it clicked, andmany are deceived.

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