Ask the Christians who the founder of Christianity is, and they will chorus; "Jesus." Nothing is further from the truth than this answer. Shocking? Seek the truth, accept it, and it will set you free. Of the 27books of the textbook of Christianity called the New Testament of the Bible, 13 are attributed to Paul; nothing from Jesus. When you listen to christian lectures and sermons, you will always hear, "accordingto Paul, according to the writings of St. Paul, St.Paul said..."
Seldom could you hear, "Jesus said..." This shows the authority and source of legislation of the Christian Faith is Paul, not Jesus. Paul in many fundamental beliefs opposed Jesus, and what is worse,the Church followed Paul; not Jesus. Pertaining to the Law, Jesus taught, "Think not that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them"(Mat 15:17). When someoneasked Jesus what good things he must do to get eternal life, Jesus answered, "Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only One who is good, that is God.
Ifyou want to enter life, obey the commandments"(Mat.19:17). But Paul wanted to abolish the law; he said:"Christ is the end of the Law..."(Rom. 10:4),and,"Therefore by works of the law no flesh will be declared righteous before him"(Rom. 3:20). As for salvation, Jesus said that no one enters the kingdom of heaven except by doing the Will of the Father(Mat.7:21), and that God will reward every man according to his works (Mat. 16:27). But here comes Paul again trying to destroy Jesus' teaching byasserting that you will be saved by only believing in Jesus and his resurrection (Rom. 10:19), and by merelycalling upon the name of the Lord (Rom. 10:13). There are many more teachings of Jesus opposed by Paul. Unfortunately Christians instead of following Jesus follow Paul, the founder of Christianity.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
the founder of christianity: jesus or paul?
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