Wednesday, May 21, 2008

should i give a warning shot: yes or no?!

For instance you are in a situation where in you find a BG inside your property. Should you fire a waring shot?


There are lots of legal advocases on this issue. However, on self-defense point of view..its big NO! Why?! Warning shot may only escalate a tense situation. It won't stop a determined attacker. Also take note that you are responsible for every bullet that comes out of your firearm (esp. firing on air). In some cases, it exposes your intention. Prompting the BG to take it as a bluff or give it a shot to see how far are you willing to go.

The moment you draw your firearm, comes along with a responsibility. And once finding yourself in a position to defend love ones, I make it sure that my bullet would only go to the center mass of my target. Stay safe :-)

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